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Team Meeting
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This part of Infinity was created in order to create a general standard of service and care in the profession of key-working mentoring and accommodation. We do this by ensuring that every company within our service and sphere has the advise information and resource they need in order to meet the standard that most local authority requires and needs, this is resources such as protocols and procedures, legislation and law, resources such as brochures business plans pathway plans, insurances licensing portals, housing sourcing, housing regulations and so much more. 

Mother and Daughter Love


This is all for the purpose of ensuring that social services has access to organisations they can trust reducing the amount of work they have to put in to finding acceptable organisations and get on with the main point of placing young people in safe, quality, progressive environments and homes, it is also for the purpose of giving new businesses better chances of survival. Rather than believing you are ready and then having to face constant setbacks due to constantly changing requirements and regulations which you cannot plan for due to lack of knowledge or experience we equip each organisation with all the information and experience they could possibly need that was gathered and created over years as well as constant research teams that helps the alliance to stay at the forefront of current regulations and predict potential regulations to come. Even those who come from a care background such as working as a social worker previously, may be surprised at what they don't know on the providers side of the fence. Whats in it for us.


Our alliance only works with the very best organisations available which is why our brand is trustworthy and quality approved. with so many organisations venturing into mentoring and key working great organisations can get lost in the mix of other organisations that may not be as great in quality making local authorities make the move of working only with organisations they previously know is quality assured making it tougher for new emerging organisations. or forcing the local authority to make acquiring contracts from them even tougher as time goes by in order to combat the level of quality in organisations such as credit checking the CEOs of companies, which often people are starting a company to increase money and credit so may not have great credit to begin with.

Behind the Scenes
Kids in Preschool


Furthermore we would like the young person that are in the service to gain better experiences from each organisation they are a part of. As well as combat a relatively big issue from the health and social care sector which is keeping track of information and keeping everyone updated with up to date information. it is for these reasons that we have our youth centres and projects, education schemes, counselling and our Infinity APP.

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