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Mother and Daughter Love

Statement of Purpose 

-A Statement of Purpose is a document that defines the reason your business exists beyond just making a profit. The document outlines your company’s core values, core goals and purpose. It outlines the promises your business intends to make to the consumer in this case to Social Services and the Young people. -This document will be shared with the Commissioning Team and Placement Officers who are in charge of placing young people in Supported Living Accommodations.


-Many may tell you that you need “A” brochure. We at the infinity Alliance are currently operating with 4 of them this one makes our 5th . That is because we know the markets and field and the variety of people we need to appeal to in order to ensure we are successful in the field and have longevity. A Brochure is like a business's business card. Business Cards plays a vital role in showcasing your business services and Unique selling points to Social Services. This document is mainly for the Social workers as it showcases the unique features of your service such as your keyworkers, mentors, the activities you offer the young people inside and outside the home. Social workers require this information so they can share with their young people, and it needs to be visually appealing.

Behind the Scenes
Kids in Preschool

Business Plan

Business plan. -This is an internal document that defines in detail, a company’s objectives and how it plans to achieve its goals. It outlines a company’s goals, operations, strategies, marketing, and financial forecasts. Banks usually require this document as well as applications to portals like the WLA where some local authority referrals are posted, and some Local authorities will ask for this document during applications for Tenders

Policies and Procedure.

We write policies and procedures for new business that are setting up. Policies and procedures are one of the most important part of any business particularly supported living services. Local authorities will not place with any organisations without the presence of legally compliant and up to date policies and procedures. The infinity alliance has developed these which are approved by local authorities and organisations everyday helping us to win young people. We have also bought policies and procedures before doing but found they were not up to standard therefore a lot had to be done for a very expensive price even though we had to do almost as much to get them ready as we would have done if we had done them ourselves and ther were still things missing as time changes, legislation changes and new developments happen therefore policies and procedures need to be made, adapted or edited constantly. Therefore, you need people who are still active in the industry and is at the forefront of it whose job it is to research and learn about changes and then adapt to it. Based on our own experiences and views developed from those experiences we have decided we will do things differently. We offer our clients our own policies and procedures the ones we used once we update for ourselves, we update for them


a set of rules or guidelines for your organization and employees to follow in order to achieve a specific goal particularly compliance. An effective policy should outline what employees must do or not do, directions, limits, principles, and guidance for decision making. The Infinity Alliance has over 300 policies and counting with more being added with every new situation or update to Acts, legislation and law. If it’s out there or needed, it is likely we already have it.


-A procedure- the counterpart to a policy; it is the instruction on how a policy is followed. We developed our home from the ground up and pride ourselves on ensuring that it is run procedurally to the best standard possible and this starts from the foundations of the policies and procedures in place.

Young People Forms. The hidden part of the business is the part that falls in the middle. It is often overlooked or unknown by most but are as essential or even more so depending on your viewpoint as the protocol and procedures. They are essential for the effectiveness of your overall service and the day to day running of it and how effective they are, determines how effective a service is. We here at infinity alliance has learned that more does not always mean best regarding these forms. But also, less isn’t necessarily more in this situation either, balance is the name of the game so its about recognising and creating and using what is necessary and right for you. too much of these forms and paperwork and you will find you are over inflated, and things tend to get overcomplicated resulting in struggles and feelings of being overwhelmed to the point you lose yourself in what you’re supposed to have and what you’re supposed to do. Being so held down by paperwork you essentially stop doing the necessary work of engaging and key working with young people which is what makes a difference. But too little and you are not able to present that you are doing the job properly and most importantly properly evidencing and record keeping. Social services usually wont get involved in this section so therefore they don’t guide you or send you any forms or list of things you need like they at times does with protocols and procedures so most people struggle. There are many forms that are needed for the successful day to day running of a supported living accommodation such Accident and sign in amongst other things. For many people starting up in this field they underestimate the importance of these forms however this is the bread and butter of your service and we can stress this enough as these forms will create structure and more importantly evidence to the local authority that the organisation is competent and there is structure on how the young people will be supported. We have been in this industry for 10 plus years and in addition to the standard forms required we have created additional forms which social services have adored such as our Codex which details the work we will do with each young person from the time they come into our service to the time they leave.

In addition to the above documents it is very important to ensure the home you aim to use to house the young people is legally compliant and visually appealing. It is important for the home to be clean, spacious, have adequate furnishings, be in a safe area and you need to demonstrate you have risk assessed the area as well. At Infinity Alliance, we will help you bring your home up to the Social Services required standard and we will ensure you have all the health and safety documentation required for the home is operations including the basic furnishings required in communal areas and the young people’s rooms. We will also advice you on what to add to add that little extra sparkle to your home and your business. We have qualified professional we use that are registered and reputable that makes this a breeze. We do not seek to make any profit in this section of service as a good reliable network is an essential in this business. Helping them helps us.

We can source houses, get them decorated and furnished on a budget, Get the legal requirements and certificates done. Using our “Essential supported living home” list to ensure you have all that you need that appeals to the local authority. We have our own repairers and paint and decorators in house which will be essential as young people move in and out of the organisation. -We replicate what a “Healthy home is and put it into your service”. Please see the list of some of the documents required:

• Fire risk Assessment

• Accident Book

• Fire Drills Document

• Visitors Log

• Young people Sign in a Sign out sheet

• Gas Certificate

• PAT testing

• Insurance

• Electrical Installation Document

• Lease Agreement

• HMO etc

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