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Infinity has a symbiotic relationship with landlords. Infinty is in the business of providing homes. To build homes we need Houses and houses come from us and you.


What We Can offer


We Provide Consistent Rent.


Paid on the same day at the same time every month.

Unlike private clients we are more consistent with payments.




Long Term

Long term and Short term agreements. We typically like to go in for long term rental agreements to give our young people and our organisation a degree of consistency and security so rental terms are minimum of 1 year. Ideally 3 years or more with annual evaluation is desired.


Repairs on Properties. We repair the property to get it up to the standard we require in order to be used. with cleaning decorating, painting and anything else required with the landlords permission. during our tenancy we also perform maintenance on the property and cover any repairs that may be due during our tenancy

Frequent Checks

Weekly Health and safety checks. As an organisational rule we carry out weekly health and safety checks on properties to highlight any issues or repairs that may be required for the safety of our young people staff and general condition of the home. this is filed and is shared with the landlord weekly to keep them informed and up to date.


Alarms and cameras in each property. Every property has Alarms and CCTV cameras in place covering every part of the property so you can feel safe in the knowledge that the property is protected and we'll looked after.





Easy and simple renting. Stress and hassle free. We like to do things without hassle. We are looking for landlords who want the same thing when renting.

Nomadic Style Bedroom

“We bring the property up to the standards we require and pay the bills."

The Primary focus of Infinity when it comes to dealing with property Acquisitions is that we are looking for long term agreements, fair pricing, simple, easy and hassle free interactions and consistency. That's it. We want exactly what it says on the tin. Nothing hidden.


When we take on a property we typically take on the responsibility of all things that comes with it. That means that we pay the bills associated with the property, we deal with all repairs and maintenance (EXCEPT BOILER). we get the property up to the standards that we require in order to use it and if there is a time the property needs to be returned then we return it in the condition it was given or better.

Notice is negotiable and if the property is ever to go up for sale we typically ask for us to have a chance to buy it before putting it on the open market.


Notice is negotiable and if the property is ever to go up for sale we typically ask for us to have a chance to buy it before putting it on the open market.

What We Need From You

These are the things that are Non negotiable but can be discussed.

Gas Safety Certificate

We require a valid Gas safety certificate for every property we acquire in order to operate within the boundaries of the law.

Electric Certificate 

We require a valid electric safety certificate for every property we acquire in order to operate within the boundaries of the law.

Safe Environment

A safe environment is a requirement for all human beings especially the young people entrusted to our care. This is non-negotiable.

Boiler Maintenance

The only part of the property that is non negotiable for the Landlord to keep responsibility of is the boiler. The boiler is one of the most essential parts of the home and due to the importance of it we typically like to keep this in the hands of the landlord as we see it as an extension of the house itself. Therefore just like the property itself stays in the name of the landlord so does the boiler.

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