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Resource Support Services


-The Alliance is a HUB for organisations working within the care sector. 
-The aim of the Alliance is to create a standard of excellence for care organisations across the board.
-The Alliance is governed by two companies, Emerged and Change Position Ltd.

-Emerged and Change Position are organisations working in partnership.
*Change Position Ltd role is the Advisory and Regulatory aspect of the Alliance- It is run by Social workers who are ready to advise semi-independent organisations on what Social Services are looking for from a Lawful and Regulatory perspective. 
*Emerged is the Semi-independent aspect of the Alliance and added services like staff Provision, training of staff, service management, maintenance, reports etc.

Every service under the Alliance will be able to access services within the Alliance like our USP’S (Unique Selling Points), APPS, Training etc.

We ensures the survival of businesses by reducing financial strains. By ensuring they meet lawful, regulatory, and desired standards required by social services before the monitoring visit stage.
REASONING- A lot of businesses plan to pass the monitoring visit and can often be left vulnerable if they fail it as they may not have the financial security to afford a fail especially after how difficult it can be to get a visit in the first place.

We aim to eliminate this process by making sure they are up to standard before the monitoring visit using our knowledge and expertise we have acquired from having our own established homes. We do this in the same respect for, employment process, mentoring documentation, protocols and procedures, staffing and other requirements.

The Alliance is also there to ensure that Social Services have more choice of providers that provide excellent service.
HOW: “If someone asks”: We recruit organisations and teach them how to achieve the best standard by sharing our pre-established knowledge and experience as well as training and providing high quality staff, offering professional advice and sub- contractors who are known to provide quality and affordable service.

Family Portrait

What We Offer

Our service is based around semi-independent accommodation key working and mentoring to young people 16-19

Casual Business Meeting

Development of companies

Development of companies in the mentoring and accommodation sector from start to finish. 




Emerged portal app, youth centres and activities, Bespoke educational programmes, Counselling and much more all available to those in our sphere!

Agency staff and management

Training and documentation for all organisations and their staff from the big things such as protocols and procedures to the smaller things to daily service forms.

Training & Documentation

We recruit and provide quality, reliable and well trained staff to every organisation in our sphere



More To Offer

On top of the above the alliance has the qualifications ability and facilities to offer:

Practice Educator

We are able to teach, supervise, assess and support students who are undertaking a formal learning placement in a practice setting e.g. hospital, community, care home, or school setting.


With years of Social Work Experience, We can provide consultation to help you in many areas, including establishing your own semi-independent service.

Family Assessments

We are equipped with the training and Understanding to provide Child and Family (C&F) Assessments addressing the central and most important aspects of the needs of a child / young person, and the capacity of their parents or care givers to respond appropriately to these needs within the wider family and community.

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Contact us for more services 

Casual Business Meeting
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