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Non Discriminatory 

NO Discrimination

What it is

Discrimination can occur in various forms and can target individuals based on a wide range of characteristics, attributes, or statuses. Here are some common areas in which discrimination may occur:


1. *Race or Ethnicity*: Discrimination based on race, color, or ethnic origin, including prejudice, stereotypes, and unequal treatment of individuals belonging to certain racial or ethnic groups.


2. *Gender*: Discrimination based on a person's gender identity or expression, including bias against women, men, transgender individuals, or those who do not conform to traditional gender norms.


3. *Sexual Orientation*: Discrimination based on sexual orientation, including prejudice, harassment, or unequal treatment of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or queer (LGBTQ+).


4. *Religion or Belief*: Discrimination based on religious beliefs, practices, or affiliations, including prejudice against individuals of certain faiths or non-religious beliefs.


5. *Age*: Discrimination based on a person's age, including bias against younger or older individuals in employment, education, or other areas of life.


6. *Disability*: Discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities, including failure to provide reasonable accommodations, inaccessible environments, or harassment based on disability status.


7. *Nationality or Immigration Status*: Discrimination based on a person's nationality, citizenship status, or immigration status, including bias against immigrants, refugees, or individuals with specific national origins.

8. *Socioeconomic Status*: Discrimination based on socioeconomic factors such as income level, social class, or economic background, including barriers to education, employment, housing, and healthcare.


9. *Marital Status*: Discrimination based on marital status, including bias against single individuals, married couples, or those in non-traditional relationships.


10. *Pregnancy or Parenthood*: Discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or parental status, including bias against pregnant individuals, mothers, fathers, or caregivers.


11. *Military Service*: Discrimination based on military service or veteran status, including bias against active-duty service members, veterans, or reservists.


12. *Language or Accent*: Discrimination based on language proficiency or accent, including bias against individuals who speak languages other than the dominant language or who have non-native accents.


13. *Political Affiliation*: Discrimination based on political beliefs or affiliations, including bias against individuals with specific political views or party affiliations.


14. *Genetic Information*: Discrimination based on genetic characteristics or predispositions, including bias against individuals with certain genetic traits or family medical histories.


15. *Appearance or Physical Characteristics*: Discrimination based on physical appearance, body size, or other superficial characteristics, including bias against individuals who do not conform to societal beauty standards.

It's important to recognize that discrimination can manifest in various forms and contexts, and efforts to combat discrimination should address intersecting forms of oppression and promote equality, inclusion, and respect for all individuals.

Our Pledge

Infinity alliance is committed to creating a workplace and community that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. This Non-Discrimination Policy outlines our firm stance against discrimination and harassment on any grounds and reinforces our commitment to fostering a respectful and supportive environment for all individuals.

*Policy Statement:*
Infinity alliance prohibits discrimination, harassment, or retaliation against any individual based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, belief, age, disability, socioeconomic status, marital status, pregnancy or parenthood status, military service or veteran status, language or accent, political affiliation, genetic information, appearance, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

*Guiding Principles:*
1. *Equal Treatment:* All individuals, regardless of their background or characteristics, shall be treated with dignity, respect, and fairness in all aspects of employment, services, programs, and interactions within the organization.

2. *Inclusive Environment:* infinity alliance is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels welcome and valued. We recognize that each person brings unique perspectives, experiences, and contributions to our community.

3. *Zero Tolerance for Discrimination:* Discrimination, harassment, or retaliation of any form will not be tolerated within the organization. This includes but is not limited to verbal or physical abuse, derogatory comments, stereotypes, exclusion, or unequal treatment based on protected characteristics.

4. *Accessibility and Accommodation:* infinity alliance is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access and participation for individuals with disabilities. We strive to remove barriers and create inclusive environments that accommodate diverse needs.

- *Leadership:* Senior management and leadership are responsible for fostering a culture of inclusion, setting the tone for respectful behavior, and ensuring compliance with this policy.
- *Employees:* All employees are expected to uphold the principles of this policy, treat others with respect, and refrain from engaging in discriminatory behavior or harassment.
- *Reporting:* Any individual who experiences or witnesses discrimination, harassment, or retaliation is encouraged to report it promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated reporting channels. Reports will be handled promptly, confidentially, and with sensitivity.

*Compliance and Enforcement:*
Infinity alliance is committed to enforcing this Non-Discrimination Policy and taking appropriate corrective action in response to violations. Disciplinary measures may include counseling, training, reprimand, suspension, termination, or legal action, depending on the severity and nature of the offense.

*Training and Awareness:*
Regular training and awareness programs will be provided to educate employees and stakeholders about their rights and responsibilities under this policy, promote diversity and inclusion, and prevent discrimination and harassment.

*Review and Revision:*
This Non-Discrimination Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Any necessary revisions will be made in consultation with relevant stakeholders and communicated accordingly.

This Non-Discrimination Policy has been approved and endorsed by [Senior Management/Board of Directors] and is effective as of 05 January 2024

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